Step into a more authentic & embodied you

Awaken the Empowered Self within

Hello, I am Josh Foxen

Sound healer, somatic practitioner, energy worker, psychedelic ceremonialist, mentor & guide.

My service is a culmination of my gifts that I have explored and developed throughout my life and is rooted in core values of integrity, authenticity, and compassion. I facilitate self-discovery, exploration, and healing through various modalities such as breathwork, sound healing, reiki, parts work, attachment work, and guided psilocybin mushrooms journeys.

I am here to be a guide and mentor on your healing journey. Empowering you to with the tools and skillsets to navigate your life challenges with ease and confidence.

Together we will build trust and begin to identify and understand underlying strategies which you may have developed during the course of your life to keep you safe, yet that may no longer be serving your highest good.

From this new perspective we can begin to co-create the vision of you who are at your core, and how that expression of self can begin to show up more fully in your current life circumstances. I will guide you in developing new patterns, behaviors, & strategies, that better serve the highest good of you and those around you.

The result is you honoring and becoming the most fully embodied expression of your authentic self.


1:1 Work

1:1 work with Josh where you will experience and be guided through various modalities such as breathwork, sound healing, reiki, parts work, and attachment work as a part of the your healing process

Psilocybin Journeys

Work with a state-licensed Psilocybin Facilitator in a safe and supportive environment in a 1:1 session, weekend retreat, or group psilocybin ceremony.

Men’s Work Offerings

Monthly Men’s Group Workshop at Awakenings Wellness Center.

Every third Sunday from 5-7p

When we are able to build
open spaces
in the same way
we have learned
to pile on the logs,
then we can come to see how
it is fuel, and absence of the fuel
together, that make fire possible.

— Judy Brown

Get in touch.

To book private sessions, group experiences, or to ask questions, feel free to email me at: